I.F. Shuttle

 All images © OddlLot Entertainment / © Summit Entertainment

Ben Procter did a 3D model for the I.F. Shuttle, which he then passed off to me. I did a detail drawing pass on top of his 3D model to provide for Digital Domain. I was able to focus on designing the details and then the painting of the image. 


I.F. Interstellar transporter

The whole time I was working on the film, I really wanted to contribute to the Interstellar transporter that Ben Procter and Paul Ozzimo were designing. On weekends, I would build 3D models of the ship’s engines on my own time until I thought I had something cool. I finally showed my work to Ben, and he let me do an overall detail pass to their design for the Interstellar transporter. 

I started out with a front sketch showing the details, and I designed new areas on the ship until I had something we all liked. Then I moved on to the back view with a full paint over to show all the details on the ship. This image was huge, so I took a cut of it and blew it up for you to see all the details of the ship.


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New engine 01.jpg

The Little D.R.

Designing this ship was a lot of fun. Ben Procter did a rough 3D model of the Little D.R. guns for the ship, and then Paul Ozzimo did the 3D rendering for me to use. I spent some time designing the guns on top of the 3D model. We also wanted the ship to look as if a test fire had occurred, leaving the guns heat burned.

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The Little D.R.

This was to show the VFX team what the Little D.R. effected would look like once it hit something.